Hanson Fan Fiction

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I have no connection, nor will with http://www.tayhansontribute.cjb.net. Therefore I will not be held responsible for you going there. If you have gone, it has been out of your own will. For a differnt type of Hanson Fan Fiction, click on the icon to the right. Let me warn you though, this site is not for everyone, and really is a differnt type. Put that aside, its a very good read. Theyre are three fictional stories and both are based on Taylor Hanson and the author Taylor Quest. Titles include, The Day the Eart moved, disaster in paradise, and eternal night.

Coming soon...
Kellie Duggan's Exclusive, and Origional Hanson Fan Fiction.

Coming in September

This is an official Fan Fiction site. This is a cool Fan fiction site thats G-PG rated and friendly. Great layout too. Love it. You will too!

Double click on icon.